Sunday, November 18, 2012


I was raised with a few principles. One thing that my father told me that has always stuck with me is that "Every person, relationship, mistake, and triumph, will eventually be a lesson". At first I just acted like I understood what he was talking about and went on woth my life. Now that I am older and wiser, I have witnessed the truth behind his words first hand. I have watched friendships and relationships fade, even when I thought they never would, I have made great plays on the football field and I have blown games, but the one thing all of these have had in common is that I learned from the experience. One of my most recent lessons has come from my three year relationship has come to a sudden end. The failure of my relationship has takn a toll on me physically and mentally. I was depressed, confused, and betrayed, but the one thing I did not feel was regret. I understnd that even if I never get back with my ex girlfriend again and even if we stop talking and never speak to eachother again, that I have learned a lesson form her. I may not yet know, or understand what that lesson is, but I know that there is one there. The thing about learning these lessons is that the realization does not always happen right away. Sometimes the lesson will come right away, and sometimes we must feel embarrassment, pain, and a hint of regret before we figure out what we needed to learn from our failure. It ismportant to me that I never fully regret anything that I have done because I know that nothing ever gets done if you never try. So to me, even though we sometimes fail or make a galring mistake, we must not be broken by it, and we must not regret ever trying because we will learn our lesson from it one day.

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